I can design a counter deluxe

by Russell Sasamori


0.99 usd

EE students: Automatically generate Finite State Machines from bubble diagrams.

For electrical engineering students studying digital logic who are dissatisfied with the manual method of designing a Finite State Machine (FSM), our "I can design a counter" app automates this time-consuming activity.Unlike using a set of disconnected tools such as a diagram editor and a Karnaugh map simplifier, we have seamlessly integrated (1) a wizard, (2) a bubble diagram editor, (3) a truth table editor, (4) a Boolean expression minimizer, and (5) a circuit renderer into a single app. This means when you edit the bubble diagram, the table, the expression, and the circuit are instantly updated to match the bubble diagram. This feature permits you to conduct quick experiments in search for the least costly implementation.The app also contains advanced features such as the ability to specify dont-care transitions and the ability to generate expressions for a J-K flip-flop implementation.Our app is ideal for you if you are currently taking a course in computer design, since synchronous sequential logic circuit design is a key concept that you will surely encounter at some point during the class.Version 3.x does everything version 1.x and version 2.x do.Version 3.3 fixed the 8-term rendering bug

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Excellent thanks.

Nick Tate

Very easy to use and useful app. I wish I had this when I was in school

Michael Pachos